Thursday, October 18, 2007

GTO! Great Teacher Onizuka

Alrighty here is the next one I just got finished watching. I must say that I was quit surprised that I liked this anime as much as I did. The story didn't sound all that great, but I thought what the heck, I'll give it a try and I'm glad I did. I found it to be very funny and entertaining. It keep me wondering what was going to happen next and the ending was cool. I hope they make more. Plus the opening theme song was by one of my favorite Japanes bands, L'Arc~en~Ciel! I have also heard there is a live action version of this anime /manga too. I got to check it out.....

Ouran High School Host Club

Well, I have appearef to have fallen behind here, but hopefully I can catch up tonight. Ok, the first anime up is one of my favorite manga and animes Ouran High School Host Club. The anime was quite funny, but they did skip some of my favorite bits in the manga and they also omited some characters. But it should be alright for Ouran fans. Plus the ending was left open for more episodes in the future, maybe.....

Friday, September 14, 2007

Zone of the Enders

Ok, I just finished this anime and I must say that it started out good, then started to slow down in the middle, but in the end it picked up quite nicely and had a good ending.

So I would recommend this to anyone who likes mecha animes! :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Paradise Kiss

Sorry for the long delay in adding a post. We had not one but two deaths in our family last month, but I am now back online and raring to go. I have just finished the Paradise Kiss anime and I must say that the description made it sound like it would be better then it actually was. But, it was alright, not perfect, but ok.

It started out good and then went slowly down from there and I know I am not the only person who didn't like the ending. I felt sorry for George, being turned down by his girlfriend at the end, but I was glad to see his friend decided to go with him overseas and help his dreams come true. :)

Monday, August 13, 2007

Ghost Stories

I just got done watching the anime series "Ghost Stories". If you ever get a chance to watch it, watch the dubbed version first. The dubbed version just cracked me up. It was really americanixed like "Those Who Hunt Elves", but it was still good. The dubbed verison is also a bit more mature then the subbed verison. It has fifth graders talking about oral sex among other acts plus sleeping with their babysitter. So maybe you shouldn't watch it in front of kids. LoL!

Sunday, July 29, 2007


I am also a rapid reader of fanfiction mainly I go to the website I have been following one good fic written by a writer named vegetapr69. Her story "A Thin Line Between Love And Hate" is really good. Here's a link to the fanfic Stop by and read it if you get a chance. It's an alterntive kinda of story about Sasuke and Hinata. Vegetapr69 did the pics Sasuke, Hinata and Itachi on my blog page too. She's got even more on her webpage too. Here's the addy I like that pairing, as you can see from all their pics on my blog, but we'll probably only ever see it in fanfic and fan art.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Those Who Elves 1 & 2

Well, here I am again and right now I'm watching an anime called "Those Who Hunt Elves" . I have finished up season one and now I am on season two. So far so good. I am watching the dubbed version, maybe later on I'll go back and watch the subbed version. But on the dubbed version it seems like they have really Americanized it. They have jokes about Mulder and Scully from The X-Files as well, as a joke about Judge Judy and Ally McBeal. LoL!

It's about four people, three humans, a elf plus a spirit cat/tank oh and I can't forget a little bear who poops toilet paper. Crazy, I know. Anyways the three humans must find spell fragments on the skin of young females elves. So with the help of the elder elf, they go from town to town stripping the clothes off of female elves. Of course, things go wrong for them all the time, from being force to go undercover to being arrested. It's quite funny if you like the more crazier animes. :)

So I guess I'll give it four out of five stars.

Friday, July 27, 2007

My First Entry!

Hello Everybody! This is the very first post from me Otaku Girl! As you can tell from my name I am a major anime and manga fan, hence the name Otaku Girl! :)
Hopefully I'll get around here and let you know what's happenning in my life and other junk.