Friday, September 14, 2007

Zone of the Enders

Ok, I just finished this anime and I must say that it started out good, then started to slow down in the middle, but in the end it picked up quite nicely and had a good ending.

So I would recommend this to anyone who likes mecha animes! :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Paradise Kiss

Sorry for the long delay in adding a post. We had not one but two deaths in our family last month, but I am now back online and raring to go. I have just finished the Paradise Kiss anime and I must say that the description made it sound like it would be better then it actually was. But, it was alright, not perfect, but ok.

It started out good and then went slowly down from there and I know I am not the only person who didn't like the ending. I felt sorry for George, being turned down by his girlfriend at the end, but I was glad to see his friend decided to go with him overseas and help his dreams come true. :)